Monday, February 9, 2009

Yawn-Fest '09

The annual yawnfest known as the Grammy's was on last night. I didn't watch it. Well, I caught the tail end of it, and saw some pre-show footage from the red carpet. The red carpet, yeah, the five minutes that I could stomach of that show had all the artists blowing hard about how this year's grammy's are "rock and roll" this, and "rock and roll" that, as if they all got a memo beforehand stating that "its all about the rock and roll this year people." Even that little musical work-horse myley syrus was chiming in about the 'rock and roll.' yeah right, that's when I had to surf back over to the show me and the wife can't stay away from, 'rock of love,' -the tour bus- hey, I watch it okay, and really I'm not trading in the mindless viewing of rock of love for the pointless viewing of the grammys man. No way.

I did surf back over to the tail end of the grammy's though. I Saw that Coldplay won 3. YAWN! also, another letdown of the grammys was the "In Memoriam" list of musicians who had died in the last year. Snubbed from being remembered by the "INDUSTRY" was Stooges guitarist Ron Asheton,(R.I.P) who passed away about a month ago. His influence on what became Punk Rock and Rock and Roll in general is undeniable. I mean, come on, The Stooges are the roots of the punk rock family tree. Furtermore, those Green Day dudes came up to present something after the memoriam list went up, being that they are "punk rock" I thought they would've made mention of the blatant snub of Mr. Asheton, nope, didn't want to ruffle the "industry" feathers and possibly jeapordize some kind of future recording contract.

"Rock and Roll Grammys"- my ass!

At least they didn't forget Bo Diddley from the memoriam list.

Okay, that being said, maybe Ron's name will be on next year's list. And for all I know, there could've been some kind of tribute to him in the middle of last night's program. I wasn't watching. I still reserve the right to talk shit though. Yes.

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